Alexander Clayton, MD

Indiana University School of Medicine -- Evansville, IN
M.D. Program, 2012 - 2016
University of Southern Indiana -- Evansville, IN
MCAT Prerequisites, 2010 - 2011
Samford University -- Birmingham, AL
Double Major B.A. Theology, German, 2000 - 2004
Thesis: An ‘Immutable’ or ‘Causally Responsive’ God
Post Graduate Training
University of Minnesota -- Minneapolis, MN
Radiology Residency, 2017 - 2021
Hennepin County Medical Center -- Minneapolis, MN
Internship, 2016 - 2017
Work Experience
Midwest Radiology -- Minneapolis, MN
2018 - Present
Physician responsible for after hours onsite contrast reactions.
2019 - Present
Scheduling resident responsible for managing daily schedule and communications between the resident contrast coverage group and Midwest Radiology.
University of Minnesota Physicians Group -- Minneapolis, MN
2018 - Present
Physician responsible for after hours onsite contrast reactions and rapid response.
Zimmer Orthopaedics -- Evansville, IN
Full Line Sales Associate
Alexander Clayton1, Eva Beabout1, Richard Bennet2, Brooke Spitler1, Priya Hewavitharanage1, “Synthesis, photophysical properties and cellular uptake studies of amphiphilic BODIPY derivatives”, (1) Department of Chemistry, University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, Indiana 47712, United States, (2) Department of Biology, University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, Indiana 47712, United States. Poster at the 243rd American Chemistry Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA. 3/28/2012
Research Experience
Geniculate Artery Embolization -- Minneapolis, MN
2018 - Present
Extensive research related to novel treatment of osteoarthritis and protocol development. Experience in the successful FDA approval process, IRB submission and review, and grant writing./p>
Leadership Experience
Minnesota Radiological Society -- Minneapolis, MN
2018 - Current
Member, Executive Committee
Vanderburgh County Medical Society -- Evansville, IN
2014 - 2016
Member, Board of Directors
Radiological Society of North America
2018 - Present
American College of Radiology
2018 - Present
Graduate Medical Education Luncheon -- Evansville, IN
February 2014
Organized Luncheon for students and community leaders featuring U.S. Congressman Larry Buschon M.D.
Corcoran Lecture Series - w/ Eva Kor -- Evansville, IN
October 2013
Organized Luncheon (150 guests from medical community) and Evening lecture (200-300 guests from the community) with survivor of Dr. Mengele’s Holocaust twin experiments, Eva Kor.
Global Embolization Oncology Symposium Technologies (GEST) -- New York, NY
Resident Scholarship
Dr. Martin John and Lois Bender Scholarship -- Evansville, IN
Medical School Tuition Merit Based Scholarship
English: Native
German: Approx. B1/B2